Driving Change: Partnering with the Woodland Trust for a healthier planet

Driving Change: Partnering with the Woodland Trust for a healthier planet

September 7, 2023

Here’s something you’re really going to love, whether you’re a client, supplier or one of our employees. Since 2021, Truck Stuff has been a supporter of The Woodland Trust, whose purpose is to make the world a greener place. 

What does the Woodland Trust do?

The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity, whose vision is to conserve trees and woodland for people and nature for generations to come.

And they do that based on their four pillars:

Pillar 1: Protect

They fight to protect woods and trees, preventing the loss of irreplaceable habitats, nature and carbon stores that allow our planet to breathe. Only 2.4% of the UK is covered in ancient woodland, which means it’s worth fighting for.

Pillar 2: Restore

To reverse years of decline, the Woodland Trust brings damaged ancient woods back to life, restoring ecosystems and improving landscape resilience to help nature and people thrive.


Pillar 3: Create

The UK’s total woodland coverage is only 13%, much lower than the EU’s average cover of 37%. That’s why the Woodland Trust is working to expand native woodland and create tree-rich habitats to raise the United Kingdom's total woodland coverage.


Pillar 4: Care

They work tirelessly every single day to ensure the 1,000 woods in their care continue to grow and thrive. All woodland is accessible to the public, free of charge, because they know you care too (you can even find a forest near you).


Why we support the Woodland Trust.

While we love what we do at Truck Stuff, we’re aware that the vehicles you love contribute to carbon emissions that are slowly killing our planet.

And it’s our duty to reduce that.

That’s why we do everything we can in-house to ensure we’re as sustainable as possible, we recondition our engines use eco-friendly materials in our products when we can, and prioritise sourcing parts from sustainable suppliers. By supporting the Woodland Trust, the money we give allows them to maintain enough woodland to capture and store around 40 tonnes of carbon.

So, the next time you’re on the road or thinking about a hike, take a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature - because there’s nothing else on earth quite like it.


Want to know more?

If you want to know more about the Woodland Trust, please visit their website. Or, to learn more about our sustainability efforts, get in contact and we’ll let you know how Truck Stuff is doing its bit for the environment.

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