Why a pet makes the perfect travel companion
August 9, 2022
If you’re lucky enough to work for a HGV company that allows pets on the roads, you should absolutely consider getting one.
Research shows that around 40 percent of American truck drivers bring their dogs along for the ride. They know that having a furry companion on the road can transform your driving experience: so here’s why.
Trucking can be lonely
Pets provide invaluable companionship for long-haul truckers who may otherwise find themselves without anyone to talk to on the road. Of course, you can’t exactly have a conversation with your pooch, but the phrase “man’s best friend” exists for a reason.
Also, when you stop to let your pet out for a sniff and a walk, they can be fantastic conversation starters. They might be the reason you find some new human friends, too.
Dogs give you protection
If you often sleep in your cab, a dog can help protect your truck and your load. A barking dog is often enough to deter potential robbers, especially if you get a breed with a low, deep bark, such as a labrador. Chihuahuas - although they don’t take up as much space - may not be as intimidating.
Keep in mind that your dog needs to be well trained: if they bite or harm an intruder, you may be found to be at fault for injury. Your truck insurance most likely will not cover this.
They can improve your health
Yes, really. Not only will having a dog with you improve your mental health, but you’ll have to stop more often to let them do their business and stretch their legs. Making more frequent stops will lessen fatigue and get you out of your cab, taking more steps and breathing fresh air, improving overall health and helping you drive more safely.
Things to remember
Of course, when driving with a pet, there are certain things to consider. Make sure they are properly chipped and have a collar with ID, in case they wander off during a pit stop.
For safety, dogs should be strapped in with a harness style safety belt or in a crate. Airbags can harm them, so put them in the back if your passenger seat has an airbag.
Lastly, you should never, ever leave animals in a hot cab. Provide adequate hydration, never leave them alone for long, or take them with you whenever possible.